Thursday, March 27, 2014

Exciting news...

...the past 24 hours have been a whirlwind of excitement...I'm very tired and thankful at the same time.

Review of last night's dinner:
The from scratch pizza crust was just OK in taste. It was pretty bland but the thin crust held up well against the massive amounts of various veggies I put on top of it. I did use the last two slices of deli ham for the children's pizza. There was nothing left!!

Work Stress:
Well, I went to my meeting. It was not what I was expecting. I was expecting to be terminated. I was offered a transfer to another RN position. I accepted the transfer, and HR is going to assist me with what RN options are available. I put in applications for transfer, and the director of another hospital (in the same company, about 30 minutes way) emailed me and said that she was excited to see someone with my background (Bachelor's degree in nursing, critical care and anesthesia experience) looking for a possible transfer into her unit. It's a medical surgical unit, with possible ICU (which in my heart, I love) exposure. I emailed her back, and we are discussing which day, Monday or Tuesday would be better for the interview.

My boss and HR decided that they were going to pay me for another two weeks, while I'm looking at transfer options (since during the suspension, it came to light I was not at fault).

I am so thankful.

Home Life:
Today's my 21st anniversary, 25 years if you want to include living together with my husband. I took 50 dollars out of my checking account, and the five of us went to Chipolte. It's a mexican grill with all fresh foods. It was awesome.

Three of us went to the dentist. I have no cavities. My daughter has one, my son has two. I am blessed to be able to keep my health insurance while I am transferring out of a previous position.

Home Life:
made a from scratch cake, improvised on the frosting. Used what was left of some tub of chocolate, and added a little milk and powdered sugar. I also made some gingerbread cookies.