Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dinner 3/24

I am ahead of myself this evening...I have a package of four chicken thighs in the fridge. I washed the chicken and put it aside. More on that in a minute...

Sticky Chicken
homemade mac and cheese (using left over pasta)
steamed corn

I peeled 4 large carrots and put it into the crock pot. I have two small onions that are looking very sad (I peeled them, and cut off the bad YUCK parts). I have a recipe that I found on
I put the spices together in a container and shook it well. I put some of the spice mixture on a plate and placed the rest of it in the fridge. I coated the chicken thighs with some of the spice mixture and placed the thighs on top of the carrots and onions. It is going to sit overnight in the fridge and will be plugged in the AM.

Steamed corn will be served with the chicken, carrots, and onions. The kids like buttered corn.

The mac and cheese...I am using the leftover pasta from the other night. I am going to make a white sauce (butter, flour, milk, cheese). After making the white sauce, I will add the leftover pasta to it, and serve it as "mac and cheese".

I am not anticipating any chicken leftover. I'm going to take the bones/skin off prior to giving it to the children. The stock that will be left over will go into the freezer (used when times are tough), and I will make a second round of stock form the bones/skin.


  1. Just a comment, trying to be helpful: I recently read that food experts say now that it is not a good idea to wash or rinse your chicken after taking it out of the package. It spreads any contamination into your kitchen sink and wherever else it might drip. Supposedly if you just cook it the heat will kill anything that you might have rinsed off without contaminating the sink. I've been trying to remember that, although it does rub me the wrong way NOT to rinse it. Your meal sounds good to me!

    1. It does make sense to prevent any contamination. I have rinsed it for years, but I'm adaptable...It would actually save me a step just putting it in the pan or crock pot without rinsing.

  2. I've never washed poultry before cooking it. Your meal sounds delicious, isnt a crock pot a god send for a working woman!
    I've used mine to make indian with a prepackaged simmer sauce. Instead of using chicken breasts which can be quite expensive I use the cheaper maryland cut and when its finished the meat just falls off the bone.

    1. Dinner was great and there were little left over.
