Thursday, April 17, 2014

Updates on April Challenges

April Challenges Updated

Last month my kids and I went to the dentist. I have no cavities. My daughter has one cavity and my son has two that need to be filled. We made appointments to get them filled this month. While I still have insurance, it's a 60/40 deal, and I pay the 60 percent. They have given me an estimate of my charges.

Updates: My daughter goes to the dentist on April 24th. Her cost will be 165.20. My son goes to the dentist on April 29th and cost 159 for one filling. They both need conscious sedation. The cost includes the sedation. My insurance doesn't cover it and I have to pay out of pocket. My daughter also has a oral surgeon appointment this week for her wisdom teeth removal. Since we have not met our deductible, I will find out exactly what our cost will be. The conscious sedation and wisdom teeth removal will be taken off my taxes (since I have to meet a deductible and am not reimbursed for this).

My hound dog gets neutered mid April (already paid for) by Spay VA.
UPDATES: This has been done and they even clipped his toe nails.

My girls have birthdays coming. My daughter is going to be 19, and my other daughter is going to be 17. One asked to go out for a restaurant meal, and there was talk about manicures/pedicures for the 17 year old. I can't afford a big party for them. I'm hoping to get away with the meal/mani/pedi with my budget intact.
Updates: One birthday is done. My daughter that is in high school wants to go out for chicken wings, manicures/pedicures. This will be on Friday, April 25th. We are going to have lunch instead of dinner out, since I will be working that evening. Lunch will be the five of us, mani/pedi will be three of us, with some money put towards a "birthday bag" from the dollar store and a check for 25 dollars.

I am waiting on a reimbursement from DD college that she dropped out of. It's supposed to be in my account this month. It's close to 300 dollars which I could put back into my savings.
UPDATES: The paper check came, I thought they were going to just credit my bank account electronically. I was surprised, it's 492 dollars!! Part of it is going into my savings, part of it is going towards my bills for May.

My husband needs a new pair of glasses.
Updates: He got a new pair of glasses. His eye exam was paid for, and I paid 204 dollars for his glasses. I will be taking that off my taxes since I am not reimbursed anything for this purchase.
My car needs an oil change soon. It's about 1500 miles away from  needing one.


  1. Debbie
    Check on your dental coverage. While ours covers 2 cleanings a year and a max $1500 for surgery/procedures, based on dates, since the kids had their wisdom teeth out, it was considered a "visit" and we ended up having to pay for what I'll call the routine, 6 month cleaning for DD. I was pissed. So check on your policy, know your service dates. Also, can you go on a no interest, payment plan with the dentist since you as a family will be incurring a lot of bills? Just a thought.

  2. I will have to check. My oldest got her wisdom teeth removed late last year using my medical/dental insurance. Since we had met the deductible then, I only had to pay 20 dollars for the visit. When I got the insurance EOB, it was well over 2,500 total cost. We have an appointment today for a consult and I will get the information about the portion that my insurance will pay. He is a provider with the company I work for, so I'm hoping that is in my favor.

    The no interest payment plan...I can find about about that. I know my dentist accept the "care credit" program. I've never used it before. I worked hard to get my family out of debt over the past 8 years and we only have a mortgage and my student loan for "debt", along with our regular monthly expenses. My daughter and son go to the dentist next week, I will have to get some information about the program. I found Dave Ramsey a few years ago and it's changed my life.
