I'm getting a work out this morning. I decided since it's April, it's time to get started with the basic yard work. My back yard has a bunch of dormant fruit bushes (2 blueberry, 2 raspberry, and a bunch of strawberries), a dormant butterfly bush, and two lilac "trees" with leaves beginning to burst open. Did I say that I love my yard~~being outside does a good thing for my mood and outlook.
I also have two hound dogs. They are happy to be outside to play, but they are messy. Enough said.
I have a bunch of fallen twigs, and limbs form the lilacs, and four rose bushes that were pruned earlier in the fall. I have rose limbs and lilac twigs all raked up in a nice pile to take to the landfill for their mulching project that have started. I also have a bunch of dead grass and leaves that I am going to have my husband put into the compost bucket (near the roses). (reusing what would be considered trash by others).
It's taken me about 45 minutes to get everything gathered up and in a decent pile to make the process quicker when my husband gets up. I am going to have him sort through the limbs, and place the yard waste that can be composted, into the bucket. I'm going to bag up the limbs to take to the yard waste part of the landfill, so that they can mulch it down. (recycling, reusing, promoting a no waste Earth).
I have a big yard trash can filled with aluminum cans. I put them into three large trash bags. They are going to be taken to Zuckerman's Metal this afternoon. We are going to sell the back at 60 cents a lb. Granted, it's not going to bring in big bucks, since these are soda cans. But my husband will use the few dollars to put back into his soda habit. We are using mycokerewards.com to insert the codes to get enough points for free coupons. 250 points will get a free 12 pack, combined with selling of the aluminum cans, I guess it would work out. I don't know what Zuckerman's does with the cans, but it's a win win for the five of us to use their services.
Selling the cans will bring in cash for his soda habit, entering the codes on the case will increase the points we have, we will earn more to get free soda coupons, and keep repeating the cycle.
I have a ton of glass, plastic, cardboard recycling that needs to get out today. In only a week, we have one bag of trash that needs to go to the landfill also. (recycling, saving the landfill for actual trash).
I will be bringing home the trash bags that I used for bagging up the aluminum cans, and the limbs from the lilacs, and roses.
I'd have to applaud you for taking the time and effort to collect, reycle, and reuse. Keep up the good work