Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Not so Frugal Monday...

Well, I fell of the band wagon yesterday. I worked all weekend, and came home to get ready to take my cat and dog to the vet. Our cat has been sick for about 5 months, and we were finally to the point of putting him to sleep. We did that yesterday. The vet only charged us for the sedation and other drugs (total 25 dollars).

Our dog got her well visit and a vaccination. She needs a chest xray to assess a murmur that is a grade 4 out of 6. I am a critical care nurse, and know what this is going to need (surgery or comfort). We are waiting to get an appointment made for the xrays and diagnostics. She charged me 52 dollars for the dog's visit.

I got home, and took a nap (since I hadn't had a night's sleep because I was working). I slept four hours, I had to get up and put gas in the car, and I ordered pizza for the kids. Total 50 dollars.

Oh well.

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