Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Partial mortgage payment/Life/Bills

I went to the bank yesterday and spoke to the bank manager. She helped me put a stop payment on that partial mortgage payment I made in December. It was a total of 640.93 and this amount was credited back into my check book. After I was helped at the bank I called the mortgage company to clarify that the partial payment was not to be proceeded should it eventually get to them. They put a note in my record and stated that since I put a stop payment on it there was no reason to notify them.

I also verified that they did receive the full payment I made over the phone on Friday in the amount of 1280.93 for The first payment that was due in February. This payment came out of my pay check and left only a small amount to pay the rest of the bills with. The full payment should be taken out in two to three days per the mortgage company through my bank account as a withdrawal.

So, I was able to pay the electric bill, two co payments for doc appointments we had this week, the last water bill for the old rental house, the water bill for the new house, a bill I received from the hospital where I had a procedure done, the internet bill (we do not have cable or dish), a payment to my student loan (which has been in deferment and will be due March first, I have been paying every month regardless), paid for yearly registration for my car, and have a bit left to get some gas for my vehicle and my husband's vehicle.

Once everything goes through the checking account I will be able to put some money aside in the savings and have keep the 75 dollars every two weeks through an automatic deposit from my pay going directly into the savings. I have been doing well with that and do not miss the money from my take home pay.

I would like to get to Aldi and Dollar Tree either today or early tomorrow since I am working Thurs, Fri, and Sat to get some additional groceries and we are either out or running low on some pantry and freezer stuff.

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