Friday, September 6, 2013


that I worked my 36 hour week. I got my overtime pay yesterday in my check. I work overtime tonight, hoping that it goes well. I am exhausted, and plan to work tonight, unless they call me off due to census or other issues.

Things that I'm grateful for:
a well paying job
a nice home that's warm enough in the winter and cool enough in the summer
three great kids that mean the world to me
a husband that loves me
a full pantry
skills to provide for my family regardless of the economy
a basic cooking technique that helps me make a meal from "nothing" (my husband says this)
my monthly obligations are paid for every month.
my savings account

and tea....lots of tea.

I put 200 dollars into my savings account yesterday after I paid my bills and went to the grocery store. My goal was to replace the 125 I took out previously, and add 400 dollars this month to it.

125 paid back
  75 towards the 400.
325 still go to.

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