One word. IRMA.
We have been getting ready a bit more seriously than we would have in Virginia. Being in Florida means that there are no mountains or a valley to protect the residents like we have in Virginia. We have shelf stable foods. We have bottled water. A TON OF WATER. We have cat food. We have litter. We have dog food. We have some cash in my husband's wallet. Not much. We have two cars with gas in them. We have four flashlights. We have a radio. We bought a lot of batteries. We have candles. We have matches. We have two coolers in the garage. I paid for the flashlights and batteries. We had everything else prior to the arrival of IRMA.
Shelf stable foods: canned beans (3) , tuna (2), peanut butter (2), jelly (2), dry cereal (1), bottled water, canned soup (in an emergency we can eat canned soup cold) (4), saltine crackers (1), canned soda (it is what it is), one can of corn beef hash, kool aid packets (several packets), two boxes of town house type crackers. We do not have much in the pantry since we have been using what we have to keep expenses down. We can supplement this with food from the fridge and freezer unless we lose electricity.
Water: We have several gallons of water. We have three cases of 20 ounce bottles. We have been filling zip lock bags with water and freezing them. We have an ice maker that I have been filling zip lock gallon bags with to keep in the freezer. I have an empty jug of tea that I washed out and filled with water to put in the freezer. (I have a couple more empty jugs that we will fill and put in the freezer later today).
Filling the bathtub: My husband suggested last night that we fill the bathtubs. We have a regular size bathtub in my kids bathroom. We have a spa size tub (which we hardly use) in our bathroom. I would consider filling the bathtubs with clean water to use for flushing the toilets and providing the cats and dog with water to drink.
Cash: My husband has a couple of dollars in his wallet. 99 percent of our money is in the bank.
Cars: Both cars have gas. We also have a full gas can in the garage if needed. There has been rumors that the gas stations have been running out.
Medications: We have three weeks supply of medications for everyone. We are going to need refills eventually, but at this time, we should be prepared and have enough for the next week. I also bought generic Tylenol and generic ibuprofen from the dollar store the other day.
Toiletries: We have a 12 pack of toilet paper. We have shampoo and bath soap.
do you have a gas stove or grill? is there a gravel driveway where you can make a fire ring for cooking?