Tuesday, October 2, 2012


We do have three cats and a dog. The cats are 10 years old, 3 years old and 6 months old...the two older ones are fixed, and we do need to get our 6 month old fixed. Butterscotch, Cecelia and Pepper are their names. They do go to the vet for all their shots, and receive their health care. Our dog, 12 years old, Sadie, is fixed, had all her shots and is an "old girl".

The cats were eating science diet, as was Sadie. But this dog/cat food is very expensive, has the proper nutrients that the animals need for proper growth and development, and seems to be very unfriendly to the budget. So, how do I work this expense in, account for this, and remain within my goal of 300 dollars a month for groceries (includes pet food, HBA, toiletries)??

I shop at Pet Smart for their food, but do look for sales, coupons, and use friendly shopping cards. If I can't find their and my preferred food, I will go to the grocery store and see what is close to the ingredients for science diet and buy that instead.

I do give the cats canned food occasionally. Butterscotch has had some dental work in the past, and he is getting older. I did find in the past canned Friskies for 0.39 a can, and bought 24 of them in September. We have five cans left.

The cats get 1/2 cup of dry food twice a day, Sadie gets 1/2 cup dry food twice a day. As for canned food for the cats, they split two cans between the three of them once a day. Sadie occasionally gets table scraps (usually what is left on the kids plates which is usually a small portion).

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