Thursday, July 25, 2013

It's official....

I just paid off the last of my husband's Target Card.,...using Dave Ramsey's site....We were in some massive debt, and have been working on it for a long time....beginning with the month of August, I will only have my mortgage and student loan for on going debt. I gotta start sinking money into my loving expense account....goal for 6 months 5,000.

I can't believe it!!!


  1. Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling! Good luck in your next goal

  2. I'm so excited, but sometimes get "spoken to" from people,like my Mom and some of my friends, about my not spending. It's funny, my Mom is up to her a$$ in debt, creditors calling, and can't figure out how to get groceries on a weekly basis. I've tried helping her many times, including paying some of her bills, giving her gift cards to get groceries, and offered to help her get a working budget started....her reply, "Oh well, I could try that, but it takes to long". It cost a lot of money in interest for all the late fees she is paying.
