Thursday, July 5, 2012


We washed a total of four loads of laundry (in cold water, with on sale soap), and hung outside to dry. It's 90 plus degrees, so this shouldn't take long for the clothes to dry in the sunshine. The dinner is done, we used two big chicken breast (bought 0.99 lb), for a total cost of 2.16, five carrots, several onions, garlic, and bouillon. Cooked the last half of a package of egg noodles, and added some asparagus. I took what was left over, about two servings full, wrapped it up and put it in the fridge. I'm waiting on the stock to cool off, and then store this in the fridge. I will let the fat solidify, then scoop it off to dispose of. The stock will then be placed in the freezer to make soup, or flavor some white rice.

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