Sunday, February 4, 2018

January Goals

Some of the January goals I hadinclude the following:

~transfer retirement from old employer to new employer plan
I am still trying to work on this. I have the forms downloaded into a pdf file and having difficulties getting them to print out at work. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

~maintain 75 dollars every two weeks as a direct deposit from my pay into the savings

This has been started at the end of December and will continue as a direct deposit every two weeks into my savings account. This has been continued and will help keep an emergency fund in place.

~cancel CVS prescription coverage for my husband once all his meds are processed through the 90  day mail order. DONE!

~order new blinds for 8 windows and one large sliding door. DONE!

~buy curtains for my bedroom
We decided not to get curtains for our bedroom. The blinds are more than enough and they are heavy ones also. I am not going to add this as a goal for February as this is an expense we don't need at this time.

~buy curtains for the living room window and two windows in the dining room
See above. We are not going to have this as a goal for February since this is an expense we do not need at the moment.

~maintain the current standard of living and keep any cash flow that is left over from each pay period to put an additional deposit into the savings. DONE!

I received a 25 dollar check from the new mortgage company. It appears that I gave them 25 dollars too much at closing. This will be deposited into the savings account this morning. I have direct deposit each pay period and transferred 200 dollars from my checking to the savings this morning from January's excess.

~continue using our pantry as wisely as possible as funds are tight and remain so until we are financially settled into our new home. THIS IS ALWAYS ONGOING.

~Bed delivery DONE!

~measuring windows for blinds installation

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